The top 10 is something that will be updated every week or so. It's a variety of different things. One week it could be top 10 Songs to listen too, and the next top 10 hottest guy actors. We will have stuff for you guys to, I'll just have to get a guys opinion on that. 

 Top 10 Reasons to Come to This Website:

  1. Because it's awesome and fun and colorful.
  2. Because we give you lots of information.
  3. Because it's awesome.
  4. It gives you something to do during the day.... or night.
  5. It will make you laugh your a** off (especially the funny videos).
  6. It's different than ALL the other websites people have created.
  7. It's an interesting website.
  8. Did I mention because it's awesome? I didn't? Well it is!
  9. There is so many things to look at!
  10. Because the website is for cool people and all people are cool so everyone should come 'cause your cool!!!!


 Last weeks Top 10

Top 10 Reasons to Get a Pet

  1. They're fun to play with and watch.
  2. It teaches responsiblity in any person.
  3. Pets are especially good for teenagers because sometimes other people can't get to them but they love their pets.
  4. Their is a great relationship between a person and an animal.
  5. They listen better then any person in the world.
  6. They never talk back or disagree with what you say.
  7. Your pet will never judge you, and will love you no matter what.
  8. Children act out less with pets to love them.
  9. Pets will always be loyal.
  10. They're so cute!
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