Have you ever been talking to one of your friends online or through text message and they said something you didn't understand? This will help you it has abbreviations a-z, and it even has some weird ones not many people will use but you might!

4YEO- For your eyes only
A3- Anytime, anywhere, anyplace

AAF- As a matter of fact
AK- Alive and kicking
ATK- Always at the keyboard
ADN- Any day now
AFC- Away from the computer
AQAP- As quick (or quiet) as possible
AYDY- Are you done yet?
AYSOS- Are you stupid or something
AYS- Are you serious (also can be written RYS)
BA- Bad a** (we're not actually going to curse but we don't know if you use curse words or not)
B/C- Because
BBH- Bros before h**s (this is for all ya guys out there)
BRB- Be right back
B4N- Bye for now
BFD- Big freaking deal!
BIF- Before I forget
BM- Bite me
BPLM- Big person little mind
BWL- Bursting with laughter (can also be used sarcastically)
BYTM- Better you then me
CIO- Check it out =P (sound familiar?)
CID- Consider it done
CBT- Crying big tears
CSL- Can't stop laughing
CT- Can't talk
DEGT- Don't even go there
DIKU- Do I know you?
DKDC- Don't know, don't care
E123- Easy as 1, 2, 3
EOL- End of life
FYI- For your information
G2G- Got to go
GAL- Get a life
GOI- Get over it
H&K- Hugs and kisses
HTH- Hope this helps
ILY- I love you
IDC- I don't care
IDK- I don't know
INAL- I'm not a lawyer
IRMC- I rest my case
JFGI- Just freaking google it (This is our personal favorite)
JFF- Just for fun
JK- Just kidding
JP- Just playing
KISS- Keep it simple stupid
LAWL- Laugh(ing) a whole lot
LOL- Laugh out loud
LBAY- Laugh back at you
LMK- Let me know
LD- Later dude
LMAO- Laugh my a** off
LHM- Lord help me (another personal favorite)
LHO- Laughing head off
LY- Love ya
LYLAS- Love ya like a sis
MYOB- Mind your own buisness
NBD- No big deal
NADT- Not a dam* thing
NFW- No freaking way
OIC- Oh I see
OMG- Oh my god (can also be goodness, gosh, or gooseness or anything that starts with a G that fits)
OMDB- Over my dead body
OYO- On your own
P911- Parents coming in room alert
PML- Pee myself laughing (although you might not want to share that information with people, surprisingly people don't want to know when you pee yourself... lol jk but I don't think they do)
PU- That stinks
POS- Parent over shoulder
QL- Quit laughing
ROFL- Roll on floor laughing
ROFLMAO- Roll on floor laughing my a** off
RME- Rolling my eyes
SSDD- Same stuff different day
SICR- Sorry I couldn't resist
SSHTH- Stupidity so hard to handle
SCSM- Sarcasm
SSIF- So stupid it's funny
TYS- Told you so
T3- Time to talk
TMWFI- Take my word for it
TTYL- Talk to you later
TTYT- Talk to you tomorrow
TTFN- Ta-ta for now
(sorry we don't have any for U or V)
WAJ- What a jerk
WTP- Whats the point
WM- Whoa man
(oops no x either)
YSD- You're so dumb
YMNS- You make no sense
YNK- You never know
ZH- Sleeping hour
ZT- Zero tolerance

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